8. Billie Lourd
Net Worth: $25 million*
Wealth Inherited From: Carrie Fisher
Billie Lourd is an actress, and daughter of Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher, who sadly passed away in 2016. Her father is Bryan Lourd, perhaps one of the biggest talent agents in Hollywood. Lourd’s roots make her the heiress to Carrie Fisher’s fortune and estate. She also happens to be the granddaughter of Debbie Reynolds, another Hollywood legend.
Lourd currently resides in Beverly Hills and attended NYU. She has appeared in television shows such as Scream Queens and American Horror Story. She portrayed the role of Lieutenant Connix in Disney’s recent Star Wars trilogy, which has released films from 2015 to 2019.
Billie also lost her grandmother shortly after her mother passed away. While it was a tragedy of epic proportions, Lourd inherited a tidy sum. That’s not to say that she hasn’t been working hard in the industry herself, which adds to her fortune.